World Environment Day is a United Nations initiative to encourage protection of our environment throughout the world. Celebrated every year on June 5, the day aims to create awareness among people for sustainable growth and protection of our environment and natural resources. The United Nations General Assembly announced June 5 to be celebrated as World Environment Day in 1972. This also marked the first day of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment.
Theme For World Environment Day 2021
The theme of World Environment Day 2021 is ‘Ecosystem Restoration’. Pakistan will be seen hosting the day this year in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme. This day sees the participation of 143 countries around the globe. The theme calls for reversing the damages caused by humans towards the environment and help make a path towards a swifter recovery of the natural ecosystem.
As the world is recovering from the coronavirus pandemic, the high production of medical equipment such as masks, sanitizers and oxygen cylinders need to be disposed in a sustainable manner to cause minimum damages to the environment.