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Agro-Processing Remains An Important Pillar To Be Consolidated, States Minister Gobin

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The Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security has laid much emphasis on agro-processing, as it remains an important pillar which needs to be developed further and as such, the African Development Bank is providing the necessary support to Mauritius to further develop this sector.

The Attorney General, Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security, Mr Maneesh Gobin, made this statement, last Thursday at the seat of his Ministry in Port Louis, during a press conference aiming at reflecting on the achievements of the Ministry for Year 2022.

Minister Gobin highlighted that agro-processing, through dehydration, salting or freezing, brings added value to products while increasing their shelf life. This process also helps to reduce dependency on imported processed products and increase revenues of planters as they can sell the processed product at a higher price or even export them, he observed.

Speaking about the sugar sector, the Minister underscored that as at end of June 2022, 579 planters have benefitted from the Cane Replantation Scheme and 377.5 hectares of fields have been replanted, while 138 planters owning some 81.5 hectares have benefitted of the scheme for the rehabilitation of abandoned lands. He indicated that three new tractors costing Rs 36 million have been procured by the Mauritius Cane Industry Authority (MCIA) in favour of sugar cane planters, and that one of these will also be used for the crop sector. Moreso, he observed, a second mechanical sugarcane harvester costing Rs 15 million was also acquired by the MCIA in collaboration with the MCAF for the benefit of small planters.

Some other achievements include, among others: the payment of an enhanced guaranteed price of Rs 25, 000 to 10,424 small planters producing up to 60 tons of sugar; the waiving of the insurance premium amounting to around Rs 58 million payable to the Sugar Insurance Fund Board for some 10,424 small planters producing up to 60 tons of sugar for crop 2021; and the disbursement of a total amount of Rs 126.5 million, representing the 50% subsidy for the Advanced Fertilizer Scheme given to the 6,981 beneficiary planters. In addition, title deeds were handed over during the financial year in respect of VRS and Blue Print projects, and involved 266 beneficiaries, he pointed out.

As far as the Forestry and Biodiversity Sector is concerned, Minister Gobin underlined that a reafforestation programme was carried out over a surface area of 10.97 hectares in several regions around the island, while nature trails of 1.5 and 7.5 kilometres long were opened at SL Belle Vue Northern Section of the Forestry Service and the Bras D’Eau National Park at the Mare Sarcelles wetland area respectively. In addition, the Black River Gorges Bel Ombre Biosphere Reserve was designated under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Man and Biosphere programme.

Furthermore, the Minister informed that the Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute has, since January 2021 as at date, approved a total of 500 projects for a total amount of Rs 67.9 million, whereas the Small Farmers Welfare Fund has disbursed some Rs 155 million for several schemes this year. He also remarked that these organisations opened an antenna in Rodrigues so that planters and farmers there can also avail the same facilities and schemes as their counterparts in Mauritius.

As for the Attorney General’s Office, Minister Gobin recalled that Mauritius hosted the Commonwealth Law Ministers Meeting 2022 from 22 to 25 November 2022 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Balaclava, on the theme “Strengthening international cooperation through the rule of law and the protection of human rights”. This event, he added, saw the participation of 31 countries, including Mauritius, with some 96 delegates.

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