This Friday, the Ainsfield schools are among the academic institutions closed. The management decided to cease activities in the premises in Ternay, Port-Louis where two members, an usher and a teacher, have been tested positive. In the wake of this, the branch on Rue Desboucher has been closed as a precautionary measure. The establishments will remain closed until further notice
North inhabitants positive
Other detections were made at the SSRN Hospital. These are people who came to be tested voluntarily at this hospital. They are inhabitants of the regions of Triolet, Terre Rouge and Plaines des Papayes as well as employees of a large company in the north who live in the region.
Other positive cases have been discovered in hotels in Balaclava, Trou aux Biches and Le Morne. These are employees and they are currently in isolation.
Nevertheless, there has not been any announcement of contact tracing exercise.