These words of the Prime Minister are directly aimed at his opponent, Navin Ramgoolam. During his speech, he also mentioned the Akil Bissessur case. The PM was invited by the Mauritius Marathi Mandali Federation to the Chamouny Marathi Vishwanath Mandir on Wednesday afternoon, on the eve of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival celebrated on Thursday 01 September.
Pravind Jugnauth referred to two cases that are currently in the news. He denounced people who believe in riots and want to take power through brutality. “We have people who makes false accusations, who steals, who robs institutions and goes and hides money abroad. But the god Ganesh shows us who weaves cobwebs and hides money in the vaults. This may work for you for a while. But it does not work in the long run,” he warned. Referring to the lawyer Akil Bissessur, “top advisers to political leaders have been caught red-handed. But what is revolting is that these same political leaders come to defend them,” he denounced, stressing “I am inspired by the messages of God Ganesh… it is the truth that always defeats the lie. The messages of the God Ganesh teach us perseverance. When you have a clear conscience, you don’t have to be afraid.”
“Murthi Sthapan” on Thursday
On Wednesday 31 August, a religious ceremony was held in the morning in preparation for the ‘Murthi Sthapan’ of God Ganesh. Other prayers followed during the day and evening. On Thursday, the immersion procession will leave the Chamouny Marathi Vishwanath Mandir after the ‘Maha Aartee’ towards Rivière des Galets.
The Matinal Media wishes the entire Hindu faith community and all those who will be joining the grand procession in Chamouny a very happy Ganesh Chaturthi.