The epidemic is gaining ground around the world, as is the concern. The WHO has reported 219 cases in 19 countries, most of them in Europe, where the disease, once endemic to Africa, is unusual. The Health Minister, Kailesh Jagutpal has reassured that Mauritius is safe for the moment. But a contingency plan is being developed.
Monkey Pox currently
Monkeypox is endemic and affects 11 countries in West and Central Africa. But the disease has migrated and of the 19 countries affected, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the United Kingdom, the first country to report the virus as of May 7, now has 71 cases, Spain has 51, Portugal 37, Canada 15, the United States 9, Australia 2 and Israel and the United Arab Emirates 1. This Zoonotic Viral Disease is declared by the ECDC to be transmitted from human to human after prolonged contact.
An emergency plan under development
In the face of global concern, the Mauritian authorities are on alert. As our Minister of Health pointed out, “we have put in place a surveillance system at the port and airport. Passengers are being tested and screened on arrival. People with increased symptoms will be placed in isolation immediately.” Kailesh Jagutpal was attending the launch of a Diploma in Mental Health Nursing at Polytechnics in Pamplemousses on Thursday 26 May. The contingency plan will involve comprehensive care for arrivals suspected during screening. They will be placed in isolation for an estimated period of up to three weeks based on the time it takes for a full recovery from this form of smallpox. Observations will revolve around the intensification of fevers, multiple aches and pains, especially the formation of skin rashes that occur within 1 to 5 days of infection. Particular attention will be paid to children, pregnant women and any immunocompromised person. Arrangements are being made.
Focus on Mobile Units
Regarding Covid 19, Minister Jagutpal said that the focus will be on Mobile Units. “We have already reduced the number of staff in the immunisation centres. We are focusing more on mobile vaccination,” the minister told the press at the launch of an awareness campaign on the importance of blood collection in Triolet. He made it clear that some centres will close and that these Mobile Teams will work during this winter period for the good of the elderlies, who make up a large percentage of the population, and for the good of the management of this pandemic situation.
Covid 19 to date
8 to 8. These are the figures for positive cases on Thursday 26 and the number of admissions to the New ENT Hospital. The progress of the vaccination is recorded at 1,009,358 people for the first dose, 976,306 for the second dose and 636,072 for Booster Dose 1.
“There were never any fictitious employees”
Dr Jagutpal fiercely denied the accusations of Labour MP, Mahend Gungapersand. The latter had claimed in the last parliamentary session that the Health Ministry paid salaries to employees who were not on the registers and staff lists. The minister, at the launch of the Diploma in Mental Health Nursing at Polytechnics in Pamplemousses on Thursday, clearly justified himself: “There were never any fictitious employees. They were retired nurses recruited as reinforcements and replacements at a time when cases of contamination were exploding,” he said.