On this 16th April 2022, the Tamil Community is celebrating Sittirai Cavadee dedicated to the Lord Muruga after ten days of fasting and sacrifice.
Unique in itself, this Cavadee is celebrated in Kovils situated only on mountains or hills. On that day, several thousands of Mauritian Tamils visit the temple kovil) to offer offerings like milk, fruits, camphor, flowers and sweets to Lord Muruga. Other devotees will carry a copper container, called “sumbhoo”, filled with milk attached to their Cavadee, while for women, their sumbhoo of milk will be placed on their head as a symbol of devotion towards the deity.
Penitents will glorify the Lord Muruga throughout the processions to the kovils in the four corners of Mauritius where the milk carried by the devotees will be poured on the idol of Lord Muruga. During the procession, devotees will pronounce the sacred verses and sing their unwavering faith to their protective divinity.
As a reminder, the religious procession of Cavadee is to perpetuate the legend of Idumban (the proud), which his guru, the Sage Agattiyâr, sent to look for the peaks of two mountains. The latter related the two peaks attached to the ends of a wooden pole.
To test his faith, the Lord Muruga then turned into a little boy and climbed to one of the peaks so that the load would be heavier to carry. Idumban, who had not seen the god in the child, got really angry, which led to a fight. Muruga then pierced him with his spear and Idumban was instantly killed.
The Sage Agattiyâr and the relatives of Idumban implored in the wake of the Lord Muruga, who agreed to give life to the Sage. As a sign of gratitude, Idumban and his entourage promised to carry the Cavadee every year. Our compatriots of Tamil faith celebrate two other important Cavadee, namely the Thaipoosam Cavadee, celebrated during the month of January or early February and the Panguni Uthiram Cavadee.
On this note, Le Matinal wishes the Tamil Community a Pious Sittirai Cavadee.