In a message on this Wednesday, the leader of the Opposition and the PMSD, Xavier-Luc Duval has pleaded for the establishment of a “semi-lockdown”. He said that this measure was “more than ever imperative” and explained that by “trivializing” the crisis and lying, the government has encouraged a relaxation of the sanitary barrier measures among the population. Thus, according to him, this health crisis has taken on worrying proportions.
“Nous appelons donc à un semi-lockdown dès ce dimanche. Nous préconisons la restriction des activités sociales, culturelles et de loisirs à un maximum de 10 personnes. En plus de la décision de fermeture des écoles, que nous avons demandée et que nous soutenons, nous souhaitons également des mesures de distanciation sociale dans les transports publics,” the leader of the Opposition added. He explained that work and other economic activities should continue and that shopping should be maintained, but with strict control over the number of customers allowed per square meter.