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Mauritius Gymkhana Club Has Its New Management Team

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The election of the new management team of Mauritius Gymkhana Club took place on Thursday, the 9th November 2021 as per the rules and regulations of the club. We interviewed the newly Elected President, Mr Nemraj Suntah, who informed us that the AGM of the Club had been postponed twice this year due to the Covid-19 situation. Despite all, the electoral campaign and the voting session went on smoothly.

Mr Nemraj as the new Elected President, has constituted his team which consists of the Elected Secretary, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Golf Captain, Tennis Captain and two Executive members.

During his Interview, the New Elected President spoke of the Sanitary Measures put in place to be able to welcome its members during this Covid-19 situation. To begin with, different control posts have been put in place at the entrance and sales point. Only those having their Vaccination Card and a negative PCR Test not exceeding 7 days are being allowed in. Concerning the activities proposed by the club, only 25 persons at a time are being allowed in the gym, restaurant or on the Golf course.

One of the most prestigious and ancient clubs of Mauritius, Mauritius Gymkhana Club dates back to the early 19th century. In 1844, the very first Golf Course was constructed which made Mauritius to be the 4th place where Golf was played around the world. In 1849, The Mauritius Gymkhana Club was founded and was reserved for British Governance of that time. It was only in 1976 that the club was opened to Mauritians, with its very first Mauritian President, Jean Galea.

Being open to anyone fitting the criteria of the club, The Mauritius Gymkhana club came with a new scheme in 2019 concerning young professionals willing to be part of the club. The scheme offers a 50% discount on the entrance fee to any young professional not exceeding the age of 36 years. By coming forth with this scheme, the club is working towards building a new generation of young members reassuring the future of the club.

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