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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Xavier Luc Duval Will Be Posing A Motion Of No Confidence Against The Government This Tuesday

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During a Press Conference of the coalition of l’Espoir held at Le Suffren, the Leader of the Opposition stated that the country is in grave danger due to the government. Despite all the PNQs, the government has refused to give explanations and most of all, refused to listen to the different propositions put forth in order to help the population.

Xavier Luc Duval also stated that the Opposition warned the government that the situation, in which the population is living due to the increase in prices, is terrible and dramatic. But the situation is here.

« Ena un Parlement kot l’Opposition pas kapav fer tan so la voix… quand bafouer la democratie, ou invit la rue a manifester…. C’est un manifestation de la faim…» are the words of the Leader of the Opposition.

In this optic, in consent with the coalition of L’Espoir and the Ptr, Xavier Luc Duval will be posing a Motion of No Confidence against the government this Tuesday.

Full of emotion and enraged about the current situation in our country, Paul Berenger said no to communalism and stated that: “Nou pays pe viv ban moment dramatic et dangereux par la faut du gouvernment  avan tous…ena un exasperation, un ralbol general dan pays…and… Gouverner c prevoir; ti bizin prevoir la montee des prix… dimoun p revolter par sa contras entre ceki population pe viv et Mazakaro ceki gouvernement pe fer… zot in fini bangol tous nu ban reserve…”

The leader of the MMM also addressed himself to the Commissioner of Police during the press conference. « Fer ou devoir, pas per, surtout pas de violence policière et pas de provocation policière… pas bizin aret dimoun quand pas bizin areter, pas britaliz dimoun quand pas bizin britalizer… » are his words to the Commissionner Dip.

On his part, Nando Bodha has pointed out that the previous riots in the country were harmful to the image of Mauritius. Mauritius is well known as a peaceful, stable and harmonious country and this image is in flames today. This is all due to a government completely cut from reality, a Prime Minister who betrayed the trust of the population, where the population cannot handle it anymore.

As for Roshi Bhadain, he stated that all this was predictable and this is due to a complete incompetence, mediocracy in the management and most of all, abuse of power. It is also due to the excessive egoistic manner in which the government replies to the PNQs, their lies where the population can no longer hold it.

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