The order paper for the sitting of May 10 has been published on the National Assembly website yesterday. The motion of censure against the government, tabled by the leader of the opposition, is included. There will be debates on this motion. There will be no Private Notice Question on Tuesday. Xavier-Luc Duval apparently wants to give priority to the motion of censure. It is very likely that a large number of MPs, both from the majority and the opposition, will speak to the motion of censure, the last of which was 26 years ago. At least according to Xavier-Luc Duval.
This Saturday, facing the press, Patrice Armance, PMSD deputy and opposition whip also referred to the motion of censure against the government filed by Xavier-Luc Duval. It is on the agenda of the National Assembly this Tuesday. He stressed that Xavier-Luc Duval has the support of the entire opposition.
Patrice Armance gave a sort of reply to what Roshi Bhadain said yesterday. “The PTr still has its place within the L’Espoir platform,” he said. The PMSD MP recalled that the common objective of all the formations of the opposition is to remove the government.