The Association des Consommateurs de l’île Maurice faced the press this afternoon. Its Secretary General, Jayen Chellum, commented on the decision of the authorities to maintain the prices of petroleum products. It should be noted that the Petroleum Pricing Committee decided to maintain the price of petrol but to increase that of gasoil. However, the Minister of Commerce intervened to block the increase. For Jayen Chellum, if the Minister has the power to intervene and maintain the price of diesel, he also have the power to bring down the price of petrol. He also deplored the change in the regulations governing the Price Stabilisation Account. Now, the fund must be in surplus for a decrease in price.
Jayen Chellum plans to meet with representatives of other organizations as well as unions this Thursday, January 19 to take a collective decision on possible actions to be undertaken in order to force the government to change its decision. The secretary general of Acim, said that an evaluation on all the previous actions initiated by the association that has not been successful so far has been made.