The International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023, which the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity organised had to be cancelled because of bad weather. The event was scheduled yesterday morning at the Trianon Convention Centre.
Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, who was the guest of honour at the celebration, was saddened that the bad weather has spoiled everything. On his Face Book page, he posted a message saying that he would continue to work for their well-being and safety of Mauritian with Disabilities.
Here is the PM’s message:
LLi dommage ki nou pas finne kapav joinne à l’occasion Journée Internationale banne personnes handicapées a cause mauvais letan. Mo ti envi dire zotte ki mo déterminé travail encore plis pou zotte bien-être et sécurité. Nou pou contigner zefforts pou ameliore zot la vie et réalise zotte banne l’ambitions.