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The Director Of Audit Accuses The Ministry Of Health Of Breaking The Law

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The audit report for the year 2021-2022 was published on Tuesday. The main thing to note is the accusations made against the Ministry of Health. The latter is accused of breaking the law. According to the audit report, with regard to the purchase of Molnupiravir tablets and Tocilizumab injections, the Ministry of Health did not respect the provisions of the law and even its own procedures governing Emergency Procurement. The audit reveals that the two wholesalers who supplied these two drugs to the Ministry of Health were not authorised to import them. But it gets better. In his report, the Audit Director also claims that the Ministry did not respect the law once again when it came to the purchase of three injections.

Rodrigues: repairs and relocation of the faulty desalination plant was awarded through direct procurement method to the same Contractor

The contract for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant and Equipment at Baie Malgache and Pointe Cotton, awarded in April 2018 for an amount of Rs 121.7 million, was not properly managed. After the commissioning of the plant at Baie Malgache in December 2020, it broke down during the defects notification period.

On 29 August 2022, in an endeavour to take corrective actions, the RRA awarded to the same Contractor, a contract for the dismantling and relocation of the plant from Baie Malgache to Pointe Venus and Songes, and repairs of the plant at Pointe Cotton, for an amount of Rs 19.7 million. The duration of the works was 16 weeks from commencement date. The plant at Songes site was chosen to increase its capacity from 500 to 1000 m³ per day. No expression of interest was resorted to, contrary to the decision of the Executive Council. Instead, the contract for the dismantling, repairs and relocation of the plant was awarded through direct procurement method to the same Contractor. This was not in compliance with Section 25(b) of the Public Procurement Act. No evidence was produced by the Commission that no suitable alternative was available.

Click here to read the reports:

Audit Report Mauritius 2021-22

Audit Report Rodrigues 2021-22

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