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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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The PTr-MMM-PMSD Alliance Holds Its First Joint Rally At Mare d’Albert

The first test for the new opposition alliance took place yesterday in Mare d'Albert. The leaders of the PMSD, MMM and Labour Party spoke...

Minister Teeluck Deplores The Politicisation Of The Yogita Babboo-Rama’s Case

Alongside his colleague Bobby Hurrerram, Minister Avinash Teeluck held a press conference on Wednesday. He deplored the "politicisation" of the affair, insisting that it...

Obituary: Reza Issac Is No More!

Former Labour Party Private Parliamentary Secretary (PPS) and Lord Mayor Reza Issack passed away in the early hours of Wednesday morning, aged 69. His...

Privy Council Refuses Ramgoolam’s Special Leave… PTr Leader’s Retrial Before Financial Crime Division Can Begin

Having failed to obtain permission from the Supreme Court to refer his case to the King's Privy Council, Navin Ramgoolam applied to the British...

The PTr-MMM-PMSD Alliance Finalised And Announced

"We have finalised our agreement... We will go together to the next elections... This is unprecedented", announced Navin Ramgoolam this Saturday morning. The leader...

Arvin Boolell: Only Magistrate Should Sign Arrest And Search Warrants

He took a swipe at the current system for issuing arrest and search warrants. At a press conference on Friday morning, the PTr leader...

The MSM Has Confiscated The People’s Vote, Says Ramgoolam

The leaders of the PTr, MMM and PMSD were before the press this morning. The first issue discussed was the postponement of the municipal...

Molnupiravir Case: Magistrate Bholah’s Decision Commented By Arvin Boolell, ICAC Expresses Its Reservations

The Anti-Corruption Commission has sent a few lines, by way of a press release, to the various media outlets to express its position on...

Ramgoolam Vows To Stop Rupee Slide

The PTr leader, Navin Ramgoolam and other leaders have been visiting the graves and other samadhi of several tribunes. He took several vows in...

Here Are The Key Proposals Of The PTr-MMM-PMSD To The Electoral Commissioner

Navin Ramgoolam, Paul Bérenger and Xavier-Luc Duval had a meeting with Irfan Rahman and his staff this morning. They tabled the document they prepared on...
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