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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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African Nations Mend And Make Do As China Tightens Belt And Road

Deep in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, members of the National Youth Service tirelessly swing machetes to clear dense shrubs obscuring railway tracks more than...

Climate Aid: Where Is The Money Going In Africa?

$100 billion has been promised to poor countries at Glasgow UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) to help mitigate the effects of climate change. This...

Africa Lags On COVID-19 Vaccination, Healthcare Workers At Risk

On Thursday, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Council of Nurses (ICN) stated that only 15 of the Africa’s 54 countries have fully...

China Grips On Africa With Billion Of Dollars Loan To Various African Governments

According to the John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies’ China-Africa Research Initiative, China signed 1,141 loan commitments worth $153 billion with various...

COMESA Forum: Rethinking Trade And Business In The Wake Of COVID-19 Pandemic

Over 140 academia, think tanks, Government officers and representation from the private sector are participating in the eighth annual Common Market for Eastern and...

Mauritian Companies Branching Out To Africa

Since the 2020 economic downturn, middle-sized Mauritian companies have been increasingly willing to invest in pursuit of growth. However, instead of choosing to invest...

South Africa Detects New Coronavirus Variant, Still Studying its Mutation

South African scientists have detected a new coronavirus variant with multiple mutations but are yet to establish whether it is more contagious or able...

Over 4M Jobs In Mainland Africa Supported By Mauritian IFS -Report Shows

“Facilitating Growth, Employment & Prosperity in Africa!” This has the name of the new report produced by Capital Economics for the Economic Development Board...

Vaccination Is Stabilising Covid 19 Third Wave In Africa: WHO

According to World Health Organisation, the third wave of COVID-19 infections in Africa has stabilised as the continent’s slow vaccination has picked up. The...

Renminbi In Africa, Footprints Of A Big Boy!

Over the last two decades, China has established a significant economic presence in most African countries. China is involved in not only commodity-rich nations...
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