Following the seizure of 6405.52 grams of cannabis, known as zamal, from Reunion Island, with an estimated street value of Rs 7,686,624, the couple Christina and Ibrahim Caramuth from the village of Laventure, Flacq, were brought before the Flacq court on Monday morning, June 12. He was then taken back to the police cell.
In the late afternoon of Friday June 9, a team from the Eastern Division’s Anti-Drug and Smuggling Unit (Adsu) went to a vacant lot in Laventure, where a truck was parked. They had received information that drugs were hidden in the vehicle. The vehicle was kept under surveillance throughout the evening of Friday June 9 by officers from Adsu, the Special Supporting Unit and the Divisional Supporting Unit, but the owner, Ibrahim Caramuth, never showed up.
Before 30-year-old Christina Caramuth was apprehended by Adsu on Friday June 9, she was asked to contact her husband. He explained that he was in Port-Louis and had no intention of returning to Laventure. On Saturday morning, June 10, the couple’s house was searched with a search warrant, but no drugs were found. The team then moved on to the vacant lot. The right-hand door of the truck was opened by elements of the Special Mobile Force. The cab of the truck was then thoroughly searched. Two boxes were found, one containing two plastic bags and the second four bags containing cannabis from Reunion Island, commonly known as zamal.
Christina Caramuth was arrested and a warrant issued for the arrest of her 48-year-old husband, Ibrahim Caramuth. Christina Caramuth was placed in a cell at the Moka detention center, where she refused to give any statements. Ibrahim Caramuth surrendered himself at around 9pm on Saturday June 10, accompanied by his lawyer, Me Sanjiv Teekuckdharry. He did not give any statements either. He was detained at Flacq police station. After the couple were brought before the Bail and Remand Court on Sunday, this Monday June 12 they were brought before the Flacq court once again, on a provisional charge of drug trafficking. Christina and Ibrahim Caramuth have been held in custody until Monday June 19.