“To save the country, all egos must be put aside! We need to bring everyone together,” Navin Ramgoolam said in a press conference this morning Without all forces coming together, he said, the country will be in rubble. He said it was a good idea for Bruneau Laurette to organise a demonstration in Port Louis on Saturday, October 29. “We can start there. I ask all Mauritians to participate,” he added. He added that, on the side of the parliamentary opposition, there is a need for “a big meeting” in Constituency 8. He said that discussions were well underway on this project.
Ramgoolam: “Gobin is the worst Attorney General the country has ever known”
Navin Ramgoolam spoke at length about the Kistnen case. He congratulated Radio Plus for having unveiled the report of magistrate Vidya Mungroo-Jugurnath. Since then, he added, there has been panic in the MSM. “The Attorney General has issued two press releases referring to a leak of the document and asking the police to investigate. If ridicule killed, many would be dead by now,” he said. He added, regarding Maneesh Gobin, that “he is the worst Attorney General the country has ever seen”.
Navin Ramgoolam underlined the fact that while Pravind Jugnauth, Ivan Collendavelloo and Maneesh Gobin have called for an investigation into the release of the report, Alan Ganoo has said that the report must be released. He recalled that Ivan Collendavelloo had to resign over a piece of paper. “He left quietly. Now he is the one who says that there should be an investigation into the leak of the report. For them, it is not important who killed Kistnen but how the report was leaked,” Navin Ramgoolam said. The PTr leader also denounced that a video, on social networks, is attacking the DPP office, one of its representatives, Nawaz Noorbux and even the magistrate.