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Prime Minister Jugnauth Honours New Centenarian Mrs Rookmabaye Kistnah

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Mrs Rookmabaye Kistnah , born on 12 January 1924, celebrated her 100th birthday, on Saturday, in presence of the Prime Minister, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, at the Professor J. Baguant Reception Hall in Quartier Militaire.

The Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education and Science and Technology, Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun; Minister of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity, Mrs Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo; Parliamentary Private Secretary, Mr Nand Prakash Ramchurrun; Member of Parliament, Mr Yogida Sawmynaden; Chairperson of District Council of Moka, Mr Sudhir Soonare; Chairperson of Senior Citizen Council, Mr Hanslall Seeboruth; family, friends and relatives of Mrs Kistnah, were also present for the celebrations.

Prime Minister Jugnauth Honours New Centenarian Mrs Rookmabaye Kistnah

An official ceremony was organised by the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity to honour the new centenarian. Mrs Kistnah, received, from the authorities, a cheque amounting to Rs 26, 203; a centenarian medal; a bouquet; a certificate; a digital Air Fryer; a gift from Senior Citizens Council; and a cheque to the tune of Rs 10,000 from the National Solidarity Fund.

In his address, Prime Minister Jugnauth, accentuated on the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and practising a regular sports activity for increasing longevity and protecting ourselves from diseases. Mrs Kistnah, he observed, is an exemplary role model for the family and for everyone as she is still lively and in a good health.

Centenarian Mrs Rookmabaye Kistnah

Highlighting the contributions of the elderly, he emphasised that Government is doing its best to promote their well-being and protect their health. On this score, he pointed out that a number of facilities and healthcare services has been put at the disposal of the elders and drew a particular attention to the Anti-Influenza Vaccination. He exhorted all senior citizens to get vaccinated in order to protect themselves from influenza and COVID-19 infection.

For her part, Mrs Jeewa-Daureeawoo, underlined that it is a matter of great pride to celebrate and honour a centenarian adding that it shows the hard work, dedication and sacrifice of the elderly towards shaping the society and the economy of the country. Senior Citizens have kept traditions and cultures alive and have passed on the legacy to future generations, which according to her, is praiseworthy. Government, she stressed, attaches great importance to the elderly and strongly believes in ensuring their well being and promoting their financial independence. Hence, the increase of around Rs 7, 300 in the old age pension over a period of nine years. As for centenarians, she indicated that they now benefit from a total of Rs 26,210 following a raise of Rs 1,500.

Centenarian Mrs Rookmabaye Kistnah

The centenarian, born Luximon, took birth in Henrietta. She never attended school and worked as planter in her own sugarcane fields. She got civilly married in November 1940 to Mr Arjoon Kistnah, who was also a planter. Unfortunately Mr Kistnah passed away in 1999 at the age of 85 years.

From this union were born six children namely three daughters and three sons. Two of her sons have passed away. She has 14 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren.

She eats all kinds of food and has a special liking for KFC and Macaroni. She dislikes pulses. She likes to pray and working in her garden. Mrs Kistnah has also been to England and has visited the Queen’s Palace. She has no particular medical impairment except for old age feebleness. She attributes her longevity to God, her family and her healthy lifestyle.

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