Recently tested positive for coronavirus, Bollywood actress Pooja Bedi took to her Instagram account to inform her followers about her condition. She revealed that she got tested positive for COVID-19. Her fiancé and house helpers have also been infected to the virus. In the video, the actress spoke about her choice of not taking the vaccine as she believed more in her body’s immunity. Along with the video, she wrote, “COVID POSITIVE ! I have finally been diagnosed as Covid positive. I choose to stay unvaccinated as it’s my personal decision to allow my own natural immunity and alternative healing and wellness practices to accelerate my healing. You do what is right for you. Each to their own caution. Not panic.”
The actress posted a video and shared the news with her fans and well-wishers. In the video, Pooja revealed that initially, she thought she had an allergy that caused coughing. The actress added that she decided to get tested for the virus after she was down with a fever. The actress further stated her fiance and house help are also infected with the virus. She concluded by sending out a message to stay healthy and safe.