Father Jean Maurice Labour issued a communiqué last night following the meeting between Cardinal Piat and Prime Minister Jugnauth. The meeting took place at the Prime Minister’s office with Father Jean-Maurice Labour next to the Cardinal and Steven Obeegadoo next to the PM.
Father Labour said in the statement that the meeting was requested and arranged a week before the Palm Sunday message. The meeting at the PMO lasted almost two hours. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss two issues, which were handed over to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is said to have given assurances that he would take note of them and that the files in question would then be handed over to the appropriate departments for follow-up.
Cardinal Maurice Piat’s televised intervention on Palm Sunday was welcomed and applauded by the population. The Prime Minister reproached the Church for reacting on the basis of unproven facts”, says Father Jean Maurice Labour.
He strongly condemned the recent attacks against a magistrate and the DPP, while referring to the slowness of the authorities in the Franklin case. This, while drugs continue to flood the Mauritian market.