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Older People: National Integrated Care And Strategic And Action Plan 2022–2026

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A National Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) Strategic and Action Plan 2022–2026 elaborated by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, with the support of the World Health Organisation in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity, was launched yesterday morning by the Prime Minister, Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, at the Côte d’Or National Complex.

At the same time, a Carnet de Santé for Mauritians aged 60 years and above, which is one of the key strategic actions of the Plan, and a sensitisation video on healthy aging were launched. The Minister of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity, Mrs Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo, and the Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal, as well as other eminent personalities, were also present on the occasion.

Launch of National Integrated Care for Older People

In his address, the Prime Minister underpinned the mission of the Government to provide the elderly population with the necessary assistance so that they can live in the best conditions possible and enjoy a good quality of life. He emphasised that Government recognises their immense contribution to chart the country’s progress and reiterated his unwavering determination to continuously cater for their protection.

The implementation of the Plan is a landmark initiative for the country to enable our elderlies to age healthily, live in decent conditions and remain autonomous, he stated.

Launch of National Integrated Care for Older People

Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth recalled that the country currently counts 173 centenarians and is listed among the five African countries with the highest life expectancy, which according to him are testimony of the continuous efforts being made to provide the best healthcare services to the elderlies.

Minister Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo, spoke of the range of benefits that the Government has provided to the senior citizens of the country to cater for their financial independence and assure a good quality of living for them, such as the drastic increase of the Basic Retirement Pension and increase in grants to institutions proving care to the elderlies. She also announced a new Recreation Centre in Riambel will be operational soon.

PM at launch of National Integrated Care for Older People

The minister of Health, Dr Kailesh Jagutpal underlined that the aging process depends on the health state of the person which in turn determines the health complications that will be suffered from. He reassured that the Government is continuously improving public health services and is investing in infrastructural projects to cater for more needs, including the rising number of elderlies.

Launch of National Integrated Care for Older People

The National ICOPE Strategic and Action Plan, he underlined, has been elaborated to cater for an integrated care and long-term care and support for older people across health services and will provide for key services for elderlies including: annual check-ups, sensitisation campaigns to raise awareness on preventive measures against different illnesses, and the setting up of an Early Dementia Diagnostic clinic.

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