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Often Overlooked Reasons For Premature Aging

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Nothing remains untouched from time- we all age and our bodies change. Some are older but look younger, while some age before time. Our lifestyle choices, daily tasks, and even our small habits affect us in aging.

Let’s have a look at some of the uncommon reasons causing premature aging.


Multitasking is one of the reasons behind aging

We all think we can multitask the things we do. While working, we are often tempted to check our email whenever there’s a spare moment. Living in the age of social media, multitasking is the only way to keep up. Surprisingly, it counts as one of the reasons behind aging. Dr. Raymond Casciari, MD told Health, “People think multitasking is good, but you don’t get anything done- you just recreate more stress.” Multitasking causes stress that pressurizes the body into aging and reducing energy. Dr Casciari suggests concentrating on one task at a time and not engaging in another task until the prior one is complete.

Holding on to anger and grudges

Suppressing stress, anger and grudges unnecessarily can make your inside chaotic and can act as the prime factor in premature aging

Suppressing stress, anger and grudges unnecessarily can make your inside chaotic and can act as the prime factor in premature aging. Alixandra Foisy, a licensed clinical social worker and retirement transition specialist who counsels retirees said, “Attitude can make you extremely rigid and uncompromising, and stiffens the body. A rigid person who cannot relax is not able to heal. The body does a great job of healing itself, but it must be relaxed to do so.”

 Harboring anger is linked with coronary heart disease, while cellular aging is associated with depression. One might not be able to ignore anger and stress, but activities such as exercising, meditation, and regular social engagement are ways to let go of anger and stress.

Sleeping on your face

Sleep wrinkles
Sleep wrinkles can be permanent and can lead to premature aging

If you sleep on your face, it’s time to change your bedtime routine. Dr. Anthony Youn, a certified plastic surgeon and author of the book, The Age Fix: A Leading Plastic Surgeon Reveals How to Look Ten Years Younger, pointed out that, “Sleep wrinkles are real and can be permanent lines, but if you sleep on your face night after night, year after year, then those sleep wrinkles will eventually stay there permanently.” However, there is a solution to those sleep wrinkles, “Sleep on your back or side, and if you must sleep on your face, try a satin or silk pillowcase, which will be less likely to cause creasing of the face.”


Frowning is one of the reasons for premature aging

Apart from this, bad habits like smoking are obvious reasons for premature aging. Surprisingly, the minor habits that we may not realize affect our age such as frowning. According to Dr. Murray Grossan, “Smiling makes you younger and increases immunity. Even just a ‘fake smile’ will reduce the number of colds you get.” So, next time you catch yourself frowning, remember to lift your mood and do things that make you smile.

Not being able to manage stress

Being stressed leads to premature ageing
Being stressed out makes you older at a faster rate

No habit in this list is as much harmful as stress is. Being stressed out makes you older at a faster rate. According to psychiatrist Jared Heathman, “Studies have shown that excessive worrying can lead to premature aging. Frequent or habitual worrying increases cortisol and promotes oxidative damage.” He continued, “This results in shorter telomere lengths that may reduce lifespan by two to eight years.”

Unfortunately, stress not only affects our cells when it comes to aging. Midwife Elizabeth Manning explained, “When we are stressed, we are less likely to take care of ourselves, drink plenty of water, eat the right foods, and practice regular self-care. Instead, we are not taking breaks, pushing ourselves to the max, squinting at a computer screen, and staying up too late.” “When we are stressed, we are pinching and scrunching our faces, frowning, and pursing our lips. We are slouching, tired and droopy.” You should always look out for ways to switch your stress into happiness. 

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