This is the deadline set by the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) to find a consulting firm that would be able to develop the Branding & Image Building Mauritius as part of the reopening of the air borders.
The intention is also to position Mauritius as a high-income country by 2030. The idea is to find a new branding that can stand out from the traditional image of the country focused on the sea, the sun, and the white sand. The new Country Brand Identity is thus called to consolidate the image of the country as a place where there are investment opportunities, leisure spaces, Mauritian hospitality, an international financial center recognized throughout the world.
Before going ahead with the rebranding project, the consulting firm will be called upon to study all international campaigns conducted in Mauritius abroad through the branding “Mauritius. It’s a pleasure”.
“The consultant must assess all previous brand campaign amongst ‘Mauritius – C’est un Plaisir’ and other distinct promotions by institutions engaged in the six elements from the Nation Brand Hexagon, to evaluate their impacts and shortcomings. The new cliché will need to encompass the economic, diversity, social and democratic stability, and cultural strength of Mauritius. The methodology to be adopted should take into considerations views and suggestions of stakeholders in the six categories (Nation Brand Hexagon) including representatives of Public, Private & Civic Sector and focal points of International Institutions”, souligne un document officiel.
The aim “is to develop a National Brand where people of all walks of life, stakeholders including the business community, industry captains, investors, international buyers, youth, tourists, academics, civil society organisations etc. should feel the superiority and uniqueness of the Mauritius offer”.
The new branding should present Mauritius as a bilingual country with a dynamic, warm, and ambitious success-oriented population. The country will be presented as a mecca where its population comes from different cultures and civilizations. The history in this context will be highlighted to recall the passage of the Arabs, the Dutch, the French, and the English.
According to statistics, 60% of tourists come from Europe, 20% from Africa, 15% from Asia, 2% from the Middle East and 2% from other parts of the world. The country has 13,000 rooms, 10,000 of which are in 4- and 5-star hotels. Through the new branding, the MTPA wants to target tourists who want to spend long vacations in Mauritius.