The e-Duty free certificate is a new project of the MRA. It is an online platform to expedite the application of duty remission on motor vehicles for eligible persons.
Presently, procedures for clearance of consignments imported by Courier services are essentially manual. The e-Courier platform is a completely paperless system designed to allow Courier operators and members of the public to submit simplified declarations and effect payment online to clear courier consignments.
- Processing and clearance by Customs shall also be done online and notifications shall be sent to the Courier operators and importers to provide updates on the clearance process, including the physical delivery authorization.
- The system is expected to expedite clearance of courier consignments by targeting essentially risky consignments.
- It will be endowed with risk management features, with phonetics and fuzzy logic capabilities, for automatic identification of risky consignments at time of submission of the simplified declarations.
- The system will also provide full statistics on importations made through courier services, in terms of quantity and volume and in terms of amounts of duties and taxes collected or exempted.
Online application for motor Vehicles
E-Duty free certificate for motor vehicles is an eservice which facilitates online application for excise duty remission on motor vehicles.
- The aim of the eservice is to reduce dwell time at Ministries and Customs for the processing and approval of Duty Free Certificate, while eliminating the need for various hard copies of the application form.
- With inbuilt tracking functionalities, the applicant will be notified by email with respect to the different status of the application.
- The approved duty free certificate is automatically sent to the applicant.
- The project has been pilot tested with the Mauritius Police Force and will be extended to other public officers.