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Minister Teeluck Elaborates On Measures Planned For Hadj 2024

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A series of measures are being elaborated to enable Mauritian pilgrims to have a safe pilgrimage in the best conditions possible during the upcoming Hadj Pilgrimage 2024, announced the Minister of Arts and Cultural Heritage, Mr Avinash Teeluck, yesterday, during a joint press conference along with the Ambassador of the Republic of Mauritius to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mr Showkutally Soodhun, and the Chairperson of the Islamic Cultural Centre (ICC), Mr Yousouf Salehmohamed, at the seat of his Ministry in Port Louis.

The Minister highlighted that Ambassador Soodhun and himself initiated consultations with the pilgrims, Hadj operators, and members of the ICC, to remedy previous shortcomings. “Ways of improving the situation prior to and during this year’s pilgrimage were also considered, given that Hadj is one of the pillars of Islam and an essential part of the Islamic religion,” he said.

Mr Teeluck, moreover, outlined that other than its primary mandate pertaining to the organisation of Hadj, the ICC equally has several additional duties under its legislation. After consultation with Ambassador Soodhun and the Chairperson of the ICC, it was agreed that there is a need to extend further collaboration with other stakeholders such as the Urdu Speaking Union and the Arabic Speaking Union as well as to conduct workshops and seminars.

He also announced that the ICC intends to migrate to a computerised system that will enable not only online registration for Hadj but also, with the help of Ambassador Soodhun, allow the allocation of visas and application procedures to be carried out online.

For his part, Ambassador Soodhun affirmed that everything is on track as regards the organising process of the pilgrimage specifically in terms of fees, hotels and air tickets, among others. Additional details are expected to be received shortly regarding negotiations of air ticket fees, he pointed out, highlighting that the exact amount is being worked out and will be communicated soon.

Ambassador Soodhun outlined the conditions and measures taken as regards pilgrimage 2024, including: the obtention of 10% additional visas in addition to the 1,500 visas already granted; the division of pilgrims into two groups with the first batch of pilgrims scheduled to depart on 24 May 2024 and the second one on 02 June 2024, out of which 650 will travel via United Arab Emirates Airlines and 1,000 pilgrims via Saudi Airlines; and an upgrade at a better price than in 2023 in the category of accommodation in the tent city of Mina from Grade D to Grade C, for a price of 4,820 Saudi Riyals compared to 5,200 Saudi Riyals in 2023.

Mr Soodhun dwelt on other spheres of development and assistance such as the donation of dates to the Republic of Mauritius through the King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre; financial assistance of US 168 million dollars that the Republic of Mauritius has benefitted from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in collaboration with the Board of Directors of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and the United Arab Emirates for the construction of the Rivière des Anguilles Dam; bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism and investment between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Mauritius; the construction of an Islamic Bank in Mauritius; the implementation of e-visas to travel to Saudi Arabia; and the construction of several hospitals and social housing units.

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