Linion Moris officially launched its election campaign on Thursday at La Scala, Caudan Arts Centre. The political platform also presented Nando Bodha as its Prime Minister in the event of victory. But the MP for No. 16 declared that he would share the mandate with Rama Valayden. He insisted on the need for unity within the platform.
Nando Bodha declare the arrangement in the following word : . « Mo met les architectures, mo amenn tou bann gran sanzman answit mwa mo ale mwa et Ra ma pran. L’objectif final, c’est que cette nouvelle génération continue. Je ne veux pas faire deux mandats moi. Je veux faire quelque chose pour le pays », a déclaré Nando Bodha à l’issue de l’événement officiel.
The movement is made up of four political parties: Rama Valayden’s Linion Pep Morisien, Nando Bodha’s Rassemblement Mauricien, the Ralliement citoyen de la patrie (RCP) and Sylvio Michel’s Verts Fraternels.