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Let Us Eat What We Produce And Produce What We Eat – Stressed Minister Gobin

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The Attorney General, Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security, Mr Maneesh Gobin, was adamant this morning, at Plaine des Papayes Multipurpose Complex, that Mauritians should eat what they produce and produce what they eat, in line with Government’s policy for the country to attain food sufficiency.

Mr Gobin was speaking at the launching of activities organised by the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security in the context of World Food Day, celebrated annually on 16 October to mark the foundation of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). While the theme chosen by the FAO for this year was ‘Our Actions are Our Future. Better Production, Better Nutrition, a Better Environment and a Better Life‘; at national level, in a bid to encourage sustainable productive agriculture, the theme focused on ‘Manz Seki Nou Prodwir, Prodwir Seki Nou Manze’ (Eat what we produce, produce what we eat).

The benefits of being less dependent on imports of food and more self-sufficient were thus highlighted by Minister Gobin. “By improving domestic food production, we become less reliant on food imports and save on import bill, thereby having more currency to stimulate agricultural output,” he stated.

World Food Day 2021

In keeping with this policy, Mr Gobin put forward the potential of agro-processing in terms of food self-sufficiency and business opportunities. He cited the example of Moringa, whose plants grow easily and without cost across the island. Its leaf powder is now sold in local pharmacies because of its pharmacological properties.

The minister pointed out that even young graduates are interested in planting nowadays. If we embark on such a goal, then the country will reach food self-sufficiency and the government will not have to spend foreign currency for the import of food. One of the ways to transform this sector is to engage in processing to add value to the product. In this context, he cited the example of ‘brede mouroum’ which is processed and sold in pharmacies. The canning of vegetables is another area that should be launched, insisted the minister. He was to point out that two training centres are now open in the country to give advice on planting and to help people open their small businesses. One is in Mapou and the other in Wooton. He also pointed out that the unintended effects of Covid-19 had a negative effect on the sector. Sea freight, for example, has increased five times, the minister said.

The Minister hence called on farmers, as well as small and medium enterprises to seize this opportunity of transforming agricultural produce such as vegetables, fruits, and plants into value-added goods that can be sold both locally and internationally. He urged them to avail of training facilities provided by the Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (FAREI) in the fields of agro-processing, new methods of farming and food production.

World Food Day 2021

World Food Day 2021

Activities in the context of World Food Day 2021 comprised an agricultural exhibition where the Agricultural and the Forestry Services, the FAREI, the Agricultural Marketing Board and other parastatal bodies showcased the numerous services they offer. Fruit trees, decorative and endemic plants, vegetables, day old chicks and agro-processed foods were also sold at promotional prices to the public. A culinary competition was organised too with a view to promote local products and dishes.

In addition, leaflets on two schemes aiming at assisting farmers for the Acquisition of Solar Powered Cold Room and the Refund on Sheltered Farming Plastic Cover/ Net Scheme were presented. Moreover, clips on pesticides’ uses and on bee-keeping were aired to raise awareness on the need to shift towards green agriculture and on the role of bees as pollinators to sustain local ecosystem and agriculture operations.

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