What twist will there be after the publication of these pages of the Soopramanien Kistnen Notebook? This document was published online in PDF format on Thursday 1 June 2022.
At the press conference to announce this action by Linion Pep Morisien, disgusted by the authorities’ delay in taking action, “we gave the institutions two years, but nothing concrete has been done so far! He added “if the institution cannot do its job, neither the police nor the opposition, we, Linion Pep Morisien, will do it. In this document you will have access to all the details on why Kistnen was murdered and who the potential sponsors are.
He projected some pages of this 180-page ‘Document’ on a giant screen with counts and sums handed over to certain people, organisations and institutions. The social activist mentioned some of the names of people involved as well as the MSM, ICAC, ESC and the police force. The activist also gave the government a 15-day ultimatum to take action. He announced that after this time, he would “go to the United Nations for help. We will remain diligent in our work. No one can buy us,” he said.