The Cabinet met today under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, the Hon. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth. The highlights of the deliberations are as follows:
- Cabinet has agreed to the Social Integration Division of the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity becoming a member of the Africa-China Alliance for Poverty Alleviation (ACAPA). The main objectives of ACAPA are, inter alia, the following:
- enhancing cooperation between China and African countries through the launching of pilot demonstration programmes/rural product promotion;
- experience sharing in terms of participation in seminars and dialogues, release of newsletters and organisation of field trips;
- capacity building to target the youth, women and rural maker activities in Africa and China; and
- policy consultations to alleviate poverty and promote social development through policy recommendations.
- Cabinet has agreed to the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Senior Citizens Council of Mauritius and:
- the Senior Citizens Council of Delhi, India; and
- the Respect Age International of India.
The areas of collaboration are as follows:
- devising and arranging various schemes and programmes on Ageing and Health issues;
- conducting training programmes in the field of Ageing for various stakeholders, including officers working for the welfare of the elderly;
- holding joint workshops, seminars and symposiums for manpower development;
- exchange of resource persons and groups of elderly;
- information and experience sharing between the two organisations and mutual use of data base;
- documentation of information in the field of Ageing for wider dissemination;
- promoting cultural and social activities as well as productive activities among elderly between the two organisations; and
- financial and technical assistance for the implementation of projects, such as setting- up of Recreation Centres and other programmes for the elderly.
- Cabinet has agreed to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Civil Service College, Mauritius (CSCM) and the Ecole Nationale d’Administration de Madagascar (ENAM). The Memorandum of Understanding purports to promote and develop amicable relationship through exchange programmes for public officers, study tours and transfer of knowledge as well as exchange of expertise.
- Cabinet has agreed to the submission of a Concept Note to the Agence Française de Développement by the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change for enhancing the capacity of institutions in Mauritius to effectively respond to marine oil spill and strengthen the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan of 2021 in the context of the Facilité d’Amorçage, de Préparation et de Suivi des Projets.
The Concept Note comprises four components, each having its specific activities and duration of around six months as follows:
- Component A – auditing of the oil spill equipment available in Mauritius and Rodrigues, and formulation of recommendations thereon by an oil spill response expert having at least ten years’ experience in the related field;
- Component B – development of an Oil Spill Waste Management Plan for Mauritius and Rodrigues by a hazardous waste management expert having at least 10 years’ experience in the related field;
- Component C – development of an Oil Spill Volunteer Management Plan for Mauritius and Rodrigues by an experienced Volunteer Management Expert; and
- Component D – development of an environment, socio-economic impact assessment framework for Mauritius by international experts having 10 years’ experience.
- Cabinet has agreed to the signing of two Research Collaborative Agreements between the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change and the University of Mauritius. The first research project, namely “Biodegradability testing of biodegradable/ compostable plastic materials” is expected to start in November 2022 and last 12 months. The project would basically consist of an assessment of the disintegration, biodegradation and satisfactory terrestrial safety of these different types of biodegradable/compostable plastic materials against ASTM D6400.
The second research project, namely “Assessment of biodegradability and composting of Polylactic Acid (PLA) bottles and cups”, would span over the period January to December 2023. The scope of the research project would primarily involve an assessment of the biodegradability of four different types of PLA bottles and cups.
- Cabinet has taken note that following a request from the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), a delegation of the Board of Commissioners of the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) of Iraq would be in Mauritius from 20 to 25 November 2022 for a study visit. IHEC is currently developing its institutional and technical capacities. UNAMI which was established by UN Security Council Resolution 1500 is mandated to advise, support and assist the Government of Iraq and the IHEC with efforts to plan and execute genuinely free and fair Iraqi-led, Iraqi-owned elections.
The purpose of the study visit would be to enable the IHEC Board of Commissioners to learn from the Office of the Electoral Commissioner in Mauritius, the best practices, technological innovation, field operation dynamics and stakeholder engagement in the management of elections.
- Cabinet has taken note of the Midterm Review Report on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. The Midterm Review Report presents the progress achieved by Mauritius on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management related issues and Sendai-target-wise in terms of policies, strategies, legal frameworks, investments, collaboration, partnerships and actions implemented by all stakeholders across all sectors of the society from 2015 to 2022, as well as the emerging and future contexts and requirements of Mauritius in this area until 2030 from a prospective point of view.
The Report provides information on progress achieved in terms of disaster preparedness, response and recovery at institutional level and the various mechanisms in place. The Midterm Review Report would have to be submitted to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
- Cabinet has taken note that a National Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) Strategic and Action Plan 2022–2026 has been elaborated by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, as recommended by the World Health Organization in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity. The Plan has been developed through an intensive consultative The seven strategic objectives and priority areas of the National ICOPE Strategic and Action Plan are to:
- promote person-centred integrated care and long-term care and support for older people across health and social services at the community level, towards early identification of losses in physical and mental capacities (intrinsic capacity) and provision of appropriate care;
- engage and mobilise the community, including older people towards ensuring aged- friendly environment that compensate for loss of intrinsic capacity, and promote participation of older people and support their carers;
- coordinate health and social services, with the single goal of maintaining intrinsic capacity of older people through primary and community-based care and facilitating appropriate and timely referral;
- develop capacity of health and social care workers in the community at the primary care level for integrated and person-centred approach for assessment and management of decline in capacity in older age;
- establish digital innovations and electronic record system to record, store and transmit data on intrinsic capacity and functional ability, and self-management of older people;
- strengthen governance and accountability systems; and
- update legislation, policies and regulations to support integrated care and protect older persons against abuse and ageism.
One of the key strategic actions of the Plan is the development and implementation of a Carnet de Santé for Mauritians aged 60 years and above.
- Cabinet has taken note of the activities which the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare would organise in collaboration with the National Children’s Council in the context of the celebration of the Universal Children’s Day 2022, which is celebrated worldwide on 20 November each year. The theme chosen by the United Nations this year is “A better future for every child”.
The official celebration of Universal Children’s Day 2022 would be held on Sunday 20 November 2022 at the Relay Centre at Cap Malheureux. The programme of the day, targeting the children of the Centre, would constitute a one-day “entertain and educate” activities. It would be also an opportunity for children to share their opinion, culture and beliefs as well as participate in leisure and fun activities.
- Cabinet has taken note of the status of the participation of member countries to the 12th Commission de la Jeunesse et des Sports de l’Océan Indien (CJSOI) Games to be held from 04 to 11 December 2022 in Mauritius. The CJSOI member countries, namely Comoros, Djibouti, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte, Reunion and Seychelles have already registered their participation to the Games.
- Cabinet has taken note of the completion of Les Assises de la Recherche et de L’Innovation (ARI) organised by the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC) and the outcome The aim of ARI 2022 was to set the foundations for the development of a National Masterplan/Roadmap for technology, research, and innovation. The objectives were, inter alia, as follows:
- development of a National Innovation Strategy;
- provision of novel insights for emerging sectors and technologies;
- identification and introduction of enhanced strategies to drive leadership in emerging sectors and technologies;
- elimination of barriers for innovation; and
- charting of incentives to foster sustainable innovation.
ARI 2022 has identified a total of 372 projects spread across numerous themes. Strategies and projects have been programmed for implementation on short, medium, and long terms.
- Cabinet has taken note of the report of the Mauritius Meteorological Services (MMS) with regard to the seasonal outlook for summer 2022-2023 for Mauritius and Rodrigues. The summer season officially starts from 01 November 2022 and ends on 30 April 2023, whilst the official cyclone season is from 01 November 2022 to 15 May 2023.
The main forecasts for the Summer Season 2022-2023 are, inter alia, as follows:
- temperatures would be close to normal. However, on certain days, it is likely that temperatures would exceed the long-term monthly average by more than two degrees Celsius;
- occasional above normal temperatures, coupled with prolonged periods of high humidity and light wind conditions, might result in torrid conditions particularly during the months of January to March 2023;
- during the months of January to April 2023, atmospheric conditions would become conducive to the occurrence of extreme weather events; and
- between nine to eleven named storms would likely evolve in the South West Indian Ocean basin during the cyclone season 2022-2023.
- Cabinet has noted that actions have been taken by the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security following the outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Reunion The Livestock and Veterinary Division of the Ministry convened on several occasions the HPAI Committee, comprising stakeholders from the public and private sector and various measures have been implemented.
- Cabinet has taken note of the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic prevailing in As at 26 October 2022, there were 49 active cases of COVID-19, out of which 18 were admitted at the New ENT Hospital. Over the period 20 to 26 October 2022, no death was attributed to COVID-19.
Cabinet has also taken note that there is no suspected case of Monkeypox in Mauritius.
- Cabinet has taken note that the second phase of the road works along the Motorway M1 in the region of Ebène, near Pont Mattar, would be carried out during weekdays and at night time only, from 01 November to 14 December 2022. The Motorway M1 would consequently be partially closed from 22 00 hours to 05 00 hours during this period. All required traffic signs would be in place to inform and guide road users.
- Cabinet has taken note that major works were being undertaken, along Julius Nyerere Road, B1, at Ebène, in relation to the construction of a footbridge (near Nexteracom), in the context of the Phase 3 of the Metro Express Project: Extension from Rose Hill to Réduit. A new traffic scheme would be put in place as from Monday 31 October 2022 for a period of three All required traffic signs would be in place to inform and guide road users.
- Cabinet has taken note that works at Chebel Roundabout have been completed and would be officially opened to the public as from 28 October 2022.
- Cabinet has taken note that the MoKloud platform has been launched as a secured digital safe for storage, signing, accessing and sharing of documents.
The digital documents already available on the MoKloud platform are online extracts of birth and marriage certificates, COVID-19 Vaccination Pass and proof of address from the Central Electricity Board. Appropriate amendments were brought to the Civil Status Act for legal recognition of the online birth and marriage certificates. A Mobile Application would be launched soon.
- Cabinet has taken note that an Electronic Queue Management System, “Mo Rendez Vous”, has been successfully deployed at the following sites with a view to enhancing public service delivery in the context of the digital transformation of Mauritius:
- Passport and Immigration Office;
- Pharmacy Department of Dr Bruno Cheong Hospital, Flacq; and
- Work Permit Unit of the Ministry of Labour, Human Resource Development and
Citizens may book for an appointment to avail of the services offered by these institutions.
- Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Board of the Mauritius Ports Authority with Mr Ashit Kumar Gungah as part-time Chairperson.
- Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Agalega Island Council with Mr Gino Alfred as part-time Chairperson.