Following the recent rise in cases, the Ministry of Public Service wished to revise the protocol in order to better warn but also guide and advise new ways of management to its civil servants in case of new suspected or tested positive cases in offices. It is a complete awareness campaign on the health protocol.
The protocol has been updated and still refers to Circular No. 17 issued on April 26 2021 of the concerned Ministry. This is a revised and updated version with the collaboration of the Ministry of Health. It is a total education on the detection of a case, the symptoms in a very new case as well as in a fully contaminated. This guide explains the meaning of direct contact and the possibilities where a person can be considered infected.
The circular explains but above all dictates self-isolation, quarantine, disinfection of the premises, self-safety and of the close neighbouring person through vaccination, the various vaccines and above all the steps to follow, via pictogram scenarios, in case of suspicions in the work environment or rather in an office. We let you discover these measures, dos and don’ts:
Here are these protocols:-