A common front including representatives of the Federation of Civil Service and Other Unions, the Government Employees Servants Association, the Government Printing Branch of the GSEA and the Government Printing Workers Union has been formed.
The objective is to challenge the decision by the management of the Government Printing Plant to install 135 surveillance cameras in the building for equipment monitoring.
The employees of the Government Printing Office say that the installation of these surveillance cameras represents an intrusion into their working lives. They are asking that the cameras, which are attached to them, be removed and instead be placed in the areas where the machines are installed. If the management refuses to comply, they propose to demonstrate in front of the government printing office building before taking legal action to challenge the government printing office’s decision.
Meeting the press, FCSOU president Narendranath Gopee said the federation is not against the installation of surveillance cameras. However, they must be installed in consultation with the government printing unions. “The installation of these cameras is a form of harassment,” he said.
Government Printing Branch GSEA President Richard Laverdure lamented the fact that negotiations have broken down with government printing management over the installation of the cameras. The president of the Government Printing Workers Union, Richard Taleck agreed.