Maneesh Gobin, the Attorney General, held a press conference this afternoon. Everyone expected him to talk about the vessel Yu Feng 67, which is trapped in the reefs off St. Brandon, but he instead announced that the government intends to launch a new legal battle against the company, Raphael Fishing Co Ltd. He explained that St Brandon is part of the Republic of Mauritius, and the company has a permanent lease on the island. He pointed out that the boat case has brought this matter to the forefront. The government has realised that it has no rights over the island following a decision by the Privy Council. “It is an old colonial deed from 1901 that gives the fishing company this right. The Privy Council retained the point that Raphael Fishing has a permanent lease, including on the Geometric Steps,” he said. For Maneesh Gobin, “the resources found on the territory of a country must benefit the whole population and not a company and its shareholders” before adding that, if necessary, the government will try to find a three-quarter majority and pass a law in Parliament.