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French President Emmanuel Macron Supports New ‘End Of Life’ Bill

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For the first time, French President Emmanuel Macron stated on Sunday that he supported new end-of-life laws that would permit what he referred to as “help to die” and that he wanted his administration to present a draft bill to parliament in May.

The Netherlands, Belgium, and Switzerland—neighbors of France—have passed legislation permitting medically assisted suicide in certain circumstances. However, France has rejected that move, partly due to pressure from the Vatican.

Adopted in 2016, the Claeys-Leonetti law on end-of-life permits deep sedation, but only for those whose forcast of medical condition is in jeopardy.

In an interview with the daily Liberation, Macron stated that he preferred to refer to the new law as “help to die” rather than euthanasia or assisted suicide. “It does not, strictly speaking, create a new right nor a freedom, but it traces a path which did not exist until now and which opens the possibility of requesting assistance in dying under certain strict conditions,” he said.

According to Macron, those requirements would have to be satisfied, and a medical team would evaluate and confirm that the standards for the choice were accurate. Also, it would only affect those who are competent to make decisions and whose life is in danger in the medium term, like those with advanced cancer. Family members might potentially appeal the ruling.

The measure expands upon the efforts of 184 French individuals who were chosen at random to discuss the matter.

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