The opposition leader faced the press this morning. On the sanitary situation, Xavier-Luc Duval drew a parallel between Great Britain and Mauritius. He said he does not understand why Great Britain has 61 countries on his red list whereas Mauritius has only two, that is, South African and Brazil.
He added that the British health system, the vaccines administered in that country and the health protocol are better than those in Mauritius. He then concludes that “it will be the government’s fault if the virus wreaks havoc in the country after 1st October”. He insisted on the fact that Great Britain has vaccinated its “elderly and people with co-morbidities”. Xavier
Referring to the revelations in the Kistnen case, Xavier-Luc Duval said there are only two explanations. “Either there is a generalized incompetence of the police or a generalized interference from the political power. There is no third explanation,” he said. And Xavier-Luc Duval said that all the police officers concerned must resign… “either for incompetence or for having allowed themselves to be manipulated”.
Xavier-Luc Duval also denounced the fact that Mauritius has only sent Rs 2 million to Madagascar which is facing a severe drought.