As is the custom, socio-cultural groups are organizing events in the run-up to the Divali festival, which will be celebrated on November 4. The celebrations kicked off last Saturday at the Hindu House. Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth was the guest of honor, while the presence of many distinguished guests was also expected. However, the celebrations are limited to a maximum of 100 people this year due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth’s message at the launch of the official Divali celebrations was: “When you are a leader, you must always have the interest of the people at heart. The Head of Government spoke at length about the story of the Ramayana and said he was inspired by the principles of the God Ram. “When you work for a good cause, you win all the time and sometimes you win allies who are not there,” he said.
Once again, he did not fail to launch a spade to his opponents: “Koz lie komier or the, lie never to wine the truth. Despite the attacks against my government, our attention will not be diverted.”
According to him, the Divali’s message demonstrates that “truth will always prevail over lies.”