During this festive period, many counterfeit bills were in circulation but the police quickly set up operations to prevent them from continuing to cause harm. In the morning of this Thursday, December 30, a police operation concerning this traffic led to the arrest of Virarajen Naidu, a 27-year-old resident of Mapou. A search of his home led to the seizure of various items, including fake Rs 200 bills. When questioned, he quickly confessed that he was making fake banknotes which he distributed to drug dealers, vegetable sellers and even during his bus trips. He also gave the name of an accomplice, who is actively sought.
The police had registered several complaints. One of them came from a 45-year-old employee of the National Transport Company. He explained that two men got on the bus and gave him a ticket worth 1,000 rupees. He noticed some discrepancies and went to talk to the driver, to find out what to do. But the two men got off the bus in Pamplemousses and fled. A 64 year old retired woman also filed a complaint at the police station in Plaines des Papayes. She stated that she gave a 200 rupee bill to the fruit and vegetable vendor, but the vendor told her that it was a fake bill. The complainant handed over the bill to the police.
So, after investigations, a team of the Field Intelligence Office of the North mounted an operation. This operation allowed them to dismantle the traffic of counterfeit banknotes. A raid in Mapou led to the arrest of Virarajen Moonesamy. When the police arrived, the suspect fled, but was intercepted 500 meters from his home. A laptop computer, a pair of scissors, a printer and checkbooks, among other things, were seized from his home.
Virarajen Moonesamy confessed that he was selling these counterfeit bills to drug dealers, in public transport and to vegetable traders.
The arrest of his accomplices is expected. The investigation is supervised by Inspector Gunga.