The Mauritius Bankers Association held its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 30 June 2021. Ms. Bonnie Qiu, Chief Executive Officer of The HongKong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited was elected as Chairperson of the MBA for a one-year mandate. Premchand Mungar, CEO, MauBank Ltd, and Grant Parsons, CEO of Investec Bank (Mauritius) Limited were elected as Deputy Chairpersons. Bonnie Qiu is taking over from Alain Law Min, CEO of The Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd. She served as Deputy Chairperson during the previous mandate. Bonnie Qiu is delighted to chair the Mauritius Bankers Association. “It is such a privilege to represent the collective banking sector, to build Mauritius into the international financial hub it aspires to be. As the world digitizes ever more, transforming the future of banking, Mauritian banks stand ready to support our customers on working their way out of the pandemic, and into a new normal,” Bonnie Qiu said. She added that bankers also have a responsibility to “lead the way on sustainable financing and contribute to the Mauritius ambition of reaching 60% renewable energy by 2030”.