Akil Bissessur’s brother filed a complaint on Wednesday 28 June, after noticing a drone over his house on the evening of Tuesday, 27 June. In his statement to the police, he explained that he was returning from dinner at his in-laws’ house at around 9pm when he spotted the drone. He claims that his wife was able to film the scene with her mobile phone. Avinash Bissessur said he feared that some police officers were plotting to “trap him again” by dropping illegal items in his yard. An investigation has been launched.
Avinash Bissessur, his brother Akil and Doomila Moheeputh were arrested following the discovery of 1,022 tablets suspected to be ecstasy during a controlled delivery operation in Dreamton Park, Sodnac, on Tuesday, June 20, by the police’s Special Striking Team (SST). The parcel was addressed to Avinash Bissessur, the brother of lawyer Akil Bissessur, but the delivery address was that of lawyer Akil Bissessur, police said. The package was sent from Germany. All three claim to be innocent.
Akil Bissessur, Avinash Bissessur and Doomila Moheeputh were released on bail on 26 June.