On the work front, Bollywood Actor Arjun Kapoor has been garnering praise for his performance in Dibakar Banerjee’s Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar. He has a great lineup of films like Ek Villain 2, Kuttey and Lady Killer. His physical transformation, too, is getting him a lot of love and support as he has revealed that he has battled obesity and emerged victorious twice. But his cryptic post “Time To Disappear” is a sparking conversation about why Arjun Kapoor is vanishing from social media. So, by digging further, we found out that the Bollywood actor has announced on his social media that he is going on a digital detox. And he is currently shooting some very important scenes for Ek Villain 2 and that he wants to completely surrender to the process. Thus, Arjun Kapoor will be vanishing from social media for the next 4 to 5 days till he does not finish this important shooting sequence.
However, last Friday, Arjun Kapoor shares loved-up photo with Malaika Arora on her birthday, writes ‘May this year you smile the mostest’. Ageless beauty Malaika Arora turned 48 today and wishes have been pouring in for the diva from all the corners. Celebs like Kareena Kapoor Khan, Sophie Chaudry, Kim Sharma, Neha Dhupia, Bipasha Basu and many others took to their social media handles to share lovely birthday posts for the actress. Arjun Kapoor also took to the internet to share a loved up photograph with ladylove Malaika Arora with a beautiful message for the birthday girl.