Sussanne Khan took to social media her opinion on the arrest of Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan. She claimed that it was not about Aryan but a ‘witch hunt’ is on for people from Bollywood. After Pooja Bhatt, Hansal Mehta and a few others, Sussanne Khan has come out in support of Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan. Namely after the arrest of their son Aryan Khan during a recent Narcotics Control Bureau raid. Sussanne, an interior designer and Hrithik Roshan’s ex-wife also in reaction to journalist Shobhaa De’s report on Instagram, wrote: “I think this is not about Aryan Khan as he was unfortunately at the wrong place at the wrong time.
This situation is being made an example to drive home the excitement that some people get as they have a witch hunt on people from Bollywood.” And she also added that it’s sad and unfair as Aryan is a good kid. NCB was allowed custody of Aryan after it told a magistrate’s court that while the 23-year-old was not found in possession of drugs, they needed his custody to probe evidence pointing towards international drug trafficking based on his phone chats.