On Saturday, three people, including Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan, have been arrested after the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) raided a cruise ship and busted a drugs party. On Sunday, eight detainees in the case had been taken for medical tests in Mumbai. Meanwhile, the NCB stated that it will seek police remand as it wants to carry out further investigations in the case. More people will be interrogated in the case.
The CEO of the tourism firm in charge of Cordelia cruises has denied any connection to the NCB drug bust. An official statement said, “By means of this statement, I wish to express that Cordelia Cruises is in no way, directly or indirectly, connected to this incident. Cordelia Cruises had chartered its ship for a private event to a Delhi based event management company. Cordelia Cruises is extremely mindful of providing wholesome entertainment to families who choose to travel with us. This incident is contrarian and far from the culture that Cordelia Cruises represents.”