Maïta Nullacoottee is passionate about painting. Her A+ in the last SC exams, she attributes it to the school La Pointe Tamarin – an artistic establishment directed by the painter, Jean Yves L’Onflé.
An outlet. That’s what painting is for Maïta – 17 years old. Currently in Lower Six at the Convent of Lorette in Quatre-Bornes, this resident of La Preneuse swears by painting, even if penciling often takes over: “I have a penchant for penciling, especially when it comes to portraits. It is an artistic discipline in which I feel most comfortable. But from time to time, I like to use gouache and acrylic to bring my drawings to life. In both cases, the colors never fail to come through.”
Winning 8 units in the last SC exams, the young artist also distinguished herself in art. A performance that she attributes to 12 years at the school La Pointe Tamarin: “I attend this school since I was 5 years old. This continuous training and the group exhibitions have allowed me to learn other techniques and to perfect my knowledge. It’s a combination that contributed to me getting an A+ in art on the last SC exams.
With her life still ahead of her, Maïta has only one certainty for the moment: “I don’t know yet what profession I will embrace. But one thing is for sure: later on, I will definitely evolve in the artistic world.