The smile returns to the chicken farmers of Rodrigues. Indeed, the Ministry of Agro-industry has just authorized the importation of chickens from this island provided that a movement permit is obtained from the Veterinary Division of the Ministry of Agro-industry.
All applications for movement permits for chicken species must be made to this department.
The conditions attached to the movement permit have been established as follows:
(i) the legs of all chicken species must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with an appropriate disinfectant such as “Chlorhexidine”; all crates/baskets must be cleaned and disinfected with an aldehyde-based disinfectant such as “Virkon”; the disinfection must be certified by the Veterinary Services of the Regional Assembly of Rodrigues.
Also, transports (trucks, vans, etc.) carrying poultry crates/baskets must be cleaned and disinfected with products such as “Virkon”;
(ii) Handlers of crates/baskets at the seaport of Rodrigues must wear clean boots and
(iii) Chicken must come from outside the “Foot and Mouth Disease Red Zone”.
In Mauritius, a veterinary inspection of all shipments of live chicken species must be carried out before landing.
It should be noted that the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food had suspended all movement of livestock (cattle, sheep, goats and pigs) from Rodrigues to Mauritius following the discovery of suspected cases of foot and mouth disease (FMD) on the island of Rodrigues.
After the confirmation of the said disease in Rodrigues, a vaccination campaign was launched to contain the spread. The vaccination campaign is currently underway. However, the current situation does not allow the resumption of animal movements from Rodrigues.