A pedestrian and a motorcyclist have been added to the list of road accident victims in less than 24 hours. Ram Futtinga, a 50-year-old security guard who was mowed down by a motorcycle on a pedestrian crossing on the Route Royale in Mare La Chaux on February 26, breathed his last shortly after midnight on Saturday March 23. On the morning of Friday March 22, 36-year-old Nessen Cunneapen, who had been hit by a car on the Route Royale de Constance in Flacq, succumbed to his injuries.
Ram Futtinga was pronounced dead on the ward of the Dr Bruno Cheong Hospital in Flacq at 12.05 am on Saturday March 23. The Mare La Chaux resident had been admitted there since February 26. At 7.15pm on that day, he was hit by a motorcycle driven by a 34-year-old helper from the same village. The victim was crossing on a pedestrian crossing.
A breathalyzer test was carried out on the motorcyclist, which came back negative. The road where the accident occurred was well lit. An autopsy was carried out on the body of the 50-year-old on Saturday morning, March 23, at the morgue of the Dr A.G. Jeetoo Hospital, Port-Louis. It attributed his death to septicemia.
The motorcyclist was brought before the Bail and Remand Court on Saturday March 23 on a provisional charge of manslaughter.
Nessen Cunneapen died at around 8.30am on Friday morning March 22 in the intensive care unit of Flacq Hospital. The resident of route Royale L’Amitié was mowed down on his Aprila motorcycle by a Honda Fit driven by a 36-year-old man. The resident of cité L’Oiseau, Floréal was in the company of his mother, aged 52. The accident occurred at around 2.30 p.m. on Friday, March 15. The motorcyclist was taken to Hôpital du Nord for a CT scan before being taken back to Hôpital de Flac.
The autopsy performed by Dr Prem Chamane, Principal P0lice Medical Officer at the Dr Jeetoo Hospital morgue, attributed his death to multiple injuries.