A raid by police officers from the Anti-Drug and Smuggling Unit (Adsu) of the Western Division led to the arrest of Nitish Teeka. This after 87.90 grams of heroin were discovered in the home of this 31-year-old resident of Carreau Laliane, Vacoas. The street value of the drug is Rs 1,318,500.
It was based on certain information and after hours of surveillance that this Adsu team led by Inspector Fowdar searched Nitish Teeka’s house at around 5 p.m. on Monday November 6.
The search proved fruitful. A transparent plastic bag containing a large quantity of heroin, a ceramic dish with traces of the drug and a blade inside. The blade was suspected of having been used to package the drug. The police also seized a sum of Rs 114,275, probably from the sale of the drug.
Nitish Teeka was arrested and taken into custody at Rivière des Anguilles police station. On Tuesday November 7, he was brought before the Curepipe court. He is facing a provisional charge of drug trafficking. He was subsequently returned to the police cell.