The Ministry of Commerce and consumer protection has issued a communiqué regarding the Sale of Live Cattle. Hence, is is specified that, in the context of the Eid-Ul-Adha festival, the retail selling price of imported live cattle has been fixed at Rs 170 per kilo, with effect from 09 June 2023 and will lapse two days after the festival.
The public is reminded that the cattle should be weighed in their presence before purchase and that the retail price should be affixed in a conspicuous place at the point of sale.
Any person who: –
- sells cattle at a price higher than Rs 170 per kilo;
- fails to affix the retail selling price;
- fails to issue a receipt; and
- fails to weigh the cattle in the presence of the buyer or his representative, shall commit an offense and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding Rs 100,000 and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.