Summoned to ICAC on Monday, in connection with the investigation into the Rs 3.5 million bribe scandal involving Maneesh Gobin and PPS Dhaliah, Rajesh Ramnarain informed the investigators that he is willing to cooperate fully if he is granted immunity. He therefore made an application to this effect.
Yesterday, ICAC responded to the former SIT director by informing him that his request for immunity cannot be considered at this stage. According to the anti-corruption commission, Section 50 of POCA, which deals with immunity, does not apply to this particular case. Rajesh Ramnarain has thus been summoned to the ICAC next Wednesday for questioning.
It should be recalled that Rajesh Ramanarain is considered a key figure in this case. He is the one who allegedly collected the cash on several occasions and then shared it with Minister Gobin and PPS Dhaliah according to the denunciations made to ICAC. He was also allegedly present at the Stag Party on 12 September 2020 at the ranch near Grand Bassin, along with Minister Gobin, a woman who is allegedly an ex-press employee, PPS Dhaliah and Ajay Jeetoo, an executive in a large company in the private sector.