The Expatriate Guide to Mauritius is more than 200 pages of useful information to help you realize your expatriation plans in Mauritius. It is available for free download on the website. This edition was produced in collaboration with the EDB.
It is the most complete document available on expatriation to Mauritius: a real mine of information to promote this destination to foreigners. is here to help a maximum of people at different stages of their projects.
It aims to help people who wish to expatriate find all the information they need, on several topics: housing, fiscality, schooling, health, and much more. It is also aimed at people who are already expatriates, in order to accompany them in their life in Mauritius.
It is totally free and accessible to all from the website. An English version is also available on the website. is the reference platform for life abroad, it accompanies expatriates at every stage of their journey. Since 2010, it provides free information and advice to those who want to live abroad, but also services and networking opportunities.