A jubilant and festive Rodrigues College after the announcement of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) results for the 2021-2022 intake. For the Rodrigues Open Scholarship, the 4 winners, all from the college, are Azie Thierry Pascal and Prudence Joseph Mathieu for the boys, and Roussety Christina and Hortence Mary Juliana for the girls.
Nanrock Perrine ” I congratulate the 4 candidate“
Nanrock Perrine, rector of Rodrigues, was keen to congratulate the children, parents but also the staff of the college. “I congratulate the 4 candidates and thank the teaching and administrative staff and supports as well as the parents, who have a very dynamic PTA and give the maximum support and supervision to the students to give them the best conditions for learning.
Roussety Christina, first daughter of the island, “always give the best of yourself”
“I have made a lot of effort. I did my best but I didn’t expect to be ranked so high. I worked hard despite Covid and the 3 years of HSC. I gave it my best shot.”
Asked about the difficulty of working during the period of Covid and the 3 years of form 6, she replied, “on the length inan in impact, but not on motivation but ine enan moment cote ine enan burnout, moments of depression and a lot of moments of weakness and mo very happy that sa ine comes to ene end.”
Hortense Maria Juliana, second winner “Keeping our goals in mind despite the ups and downs”
“Happy, moved and surprised. I didn’t really expect it and it came as a shock. No secret but hard work. During the Covid period, I continued as usual. I’ve been applying myself since Form 1. Sure, we all have ups and downs, we bizin all the time keeps us goal in mind.”
When asked about the secrets of her success, she talks about her mother, God, friends and teachers who always believed in her, even when she had doubts. She thinks about studying engineering but remains open-minded about her future. “I’m still thinking about it, but engineering interests me a lot. She sends a message to young people to always persevere despite the difficulties.
When asked, her mother could not hide her joy and spoke of the moral support and the different roles that parents must accomplish.
Azie Thierry Pascal, first boy on the island, “Believe in yourself and never give up
Pascal’s parents talk about supervision. “As a parent, we have to give our children good guidance, support, all the materials as well as emotional and spiritual guidance. We are really emotional, and we are really happy for him because he has made a lot of effort. Now the mentoring doesn’t end now because he will face new adventures alone.”
Prudence Joseph Mathieu, the island’s second boy winner “It’s never too late to get your act together”
When asked who to thank for his success, the young man replied with a smile. “The first thing is God. Then my mom, because in the hard times, when I was crying with my chemistry homework, she was the one who supported me.”
For the 2022 Cuvee, out of the 93 who attempted the exams at Rodrigues College, 88 students passed their exams for a percentage of 94.6%, which is an increase on the 85.25% of previous exams. For this year’s crop of 25 ranked students from the island, 20 of the top 25 girls are from the capital college, and for the boys, Rodrigues College has 22 students in the top 25.