The Prime Minister, Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth urged all public officers to maintain a physically active lifestyle so that they enjoy a good health which in turn will enable them to have a better performance in their activities.
He was speaking yesterday morning at the Civil Service Kermesse, which is being held at the Gymkhana Grounds in Vacoas. The Prime Minister also visited some of the 75 stalls set up by different Ministries as well as the Kid’s corner.
The Minister of Public Service, Administrative and Institutional Reforms, Mr. Teeruthraj Hurdoyal along with several eminent personalities were also present for the 28th edition of the Civil Kermesse organised by the Public Officers’ Welfare Council (POWC).
Furthermore, Mr. Jugnauth expressed gratitude to all public officers who contributed to help the country face the still ongoing challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our economic recovery is on track, and we should all, across the public and private sector, ramp up our efforts to cope with new challenges ahead, pointed out the Prime Minister.
As for Minister Hurdoyal, he underpinned the contribution of public officers in ensuring the progress of the country, and pledged for continued efforts to enhance their welfare, cater for their security, continued training and transformation in order to provide better services.
He dwelt on the several projects undertaken by his Ministry in line with public sector reforms and transformation agenda, including the implementation of the eHR in various Governmental agencies as well as the training of some 15 000 public officers for this financial year.
The Minister also highlighted that the activities organised by the POWC such as the Virtual Song Competition, provide a platform to showcase the hidden talents of public officers. He lauded the hard work and motivation of all public officers and encouraged them to back up Government’s efforts to spearhead the transformation of the public sector.